There’s a popular saying “two heads are better than one.” This saying is especially true when it comes to developing new ideas.
Idea sharing is key to learning. Learning doesn’t always mean sitting alone with a book. It can be a fun, inspiring process that integrates ideas from minds across the world.
Putting these many minds together stimulates creativity. This is the main benefit of online idea management systems that welcome ideas from everyone and show them in a centralized area.
There are many uses for online idea management tools. These tools allow people to submit original ideas and rate other people’s ideas. The best ideas naturally rise to the top, while bad ideas fizzle out.
A good example is the idea system used by uses this platform to gather helpful ideas for future versions of WordPress. The platform currently boasts over 4,000 ideas organized into different categories like accessibility, performance, and taxonomy. idea list users are able to rate ideas. The top ideas get the attention of decision makers, who because of this platform, have a better idea of what their user base wants. In addition, viewing other users’ ideas has the potential to spur entirely new ideas or solidify already existing ones. With enough interaction, the possibilities are enormous.
Idea Stimulation for e-Learning
An example of a type of site that can benefit from an idea management system is an e-learning site. If you’re looking to develop an effective e-learning environment, having good course material isn’t enough. Students must engage with the course and come up with their own ideas based on the course topic.
Here’s an example of how this works:
Say an e-course is about helping the environment, specifically, how to conserve resources and reduce negative impact on the environment.
The instructor poses a question to students: How can the average person reduce the amount of water they consume? Students then brainstorm problem-solving ideas.

Idea list using CM Idea Stimulator
An online idea stimulator promotes interaction between students. This important collaboration aspect is something online e-learning environments often miss.
By promoting idea formation and development, course instructors can help students apply the information they are learning. Instead of course information falling flat, help your students engage with the material. This can increase the success and popularity of your e-course.
Idea Management WordPress Plugin
Sounds good so far, right?
How does someone create such a platform on a website? This is fairly easy when using WordPress as your CMS.
The CM Answers Idea Stimulator plugin allows users to submit ideas in the front-end of a WordPress site. This plugin is an add-on for a popular CreativeMinds plugin, CM Answers.

Add an idea form
This plugin is great for e-learning use. Users can ask for suggestions in response to their posted idea. They can even attach photos and videos with a description of their idea.

Viewing a single idea
Ideas are displayed with view counters and approval ratings. They also show progress toward an approval objective. The Idea Stimulator add-on transforms CM Answers into an elegant, customizable idea management system.
The Take Away
Adding an idea management system to your WordPress e-learning site can increase creativity and innovation for instructors and students. The community interaction aspect has the potential to build great, new ideas to help students learn.