Categories: Magento, WordPress

A newsletter is a publication with a single topic that subscribers are interested in. Newsletters come in hard copy, web and email formats. The email version (also known as e-Newsletter) is typically emailed to customers and visitors to eCommerce businesses. Newsletters are primarily used by online businesses to inform, market and educate their readers. Electronic newsletters (eNewsletters) are rapidly increasing of the growth of the online media and eCommerce consumers which further requires effective marketing tools to attract buyers

An effective newsletter should:

  • Provide Updates – Updated information about new products
  • Identify Target Audience – Identify the geographic location, buying habits and product interests of your target audience through data collection methods such as surveys and questionnaires.

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Definition of "Newsletter" by Chat GPT: A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication that provides information or updates on a specific topic to a targeted audience. Newsletters are typically sent via email and can cover a range of subjects such as news, events, promotions, or educational content.
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