Ultimate LMS Course Catalog
Easily manage courses with unique pages, schedule classes, enroll students and more.
The WordPress Course Catalog Plugin ensures the best possible eLearning experience.
Course Catalog Demo
Course Catalog Highlights
Detailed Course Page
Add description, syllabus, periods, galleries, videos, attachments, a Google Map, custom taxonomies and more
Hide Information
Show certain course information only to students or logged in users
Three Templates
Choose between the fancy, list and classic views. Adapt the style of the catalog to your brand’s identity
Course Statistics
Track statistics and define who have access to them
Students Dashboard
Manage all students information, including contact and payment history, from a single admin dashboard
Include Advertisment
Include ads with any HTML or Javascript code inside the course page
Profile Builder
Create personalized registration forms and collect additional information from students
Download and upload all course information with a single click
Course Catalog for WordPress
List several courses, each with a unique page. Enroll students and manage their progress with the best class registration WordPress plugin.

Purchase the WordPress eLearning Plugins Bundle
Purchase plugins for a reduced price. (Includes: CM Answers, CM Download Manager, CM Tooltip Glossary, CM Community Terms, CM Idea Stimulator, CM Video Lessons Manager + 1 add-on and CM Course Catalog + 3 add-ons)
Check out our WordPress eLearning Bundle Demo
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